With Life After Youth, Land of Talk have delivered one of the most easy listening and pleasant albums of the year. A soundtrack to a never ending summer.
I had never listened to Land of Talk before this album. I only found them because I follow Saddle Creek records on Facebook (Saddle Creek has one of the most underrated band lineups in indie music). Needless to say I was pleasantly surprised.
The album is heartfelt and sincere with every ensuing track. Elizabeth Powell's voice bursts out of the gates on opening track "Yes You Were," and never looks back. Their is a sense of purpose and emotion behind every word and the music follows that example.
"I don't want to waste it this time, I don't want to waste it my life," Powell sings on "This Time." And you can tell she truly means it. Life after youth sounds like a band that is making the most of their time together, living in the moment and not being held back by their fleeting youth.
Best Tracks:
"Yes You Were", "Loving", and "Heartscore"
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